Hu-Mom often complains I live in my own little world often time ignoring her pleas for attention. She is just so needy:) And I am an independent dog.
For example, if she were to trip and fall, I would probably ignore her or approach her only if I felt like it. My sister Kiley, the malamute, suck up that she is, is always into everyone's business.She of course would run over to HuMom and make sure that she is okay. Kiley and I may look alike, but we have completely different personalities.
Someone on an email list wrote about the difference between Siberians and Malamutes. And he described me pretty well without even knowing me.
Human at the beach gets pulled over...
Malamute: "Oh my! Are you are right?"
Siberian: "Look at all those seagulls."
Small child at the beach runs up to the dog...
Malamute: "A human pup! I will lick it and sing to it and call it George."
Siberian: "Gee, just look at all those seagulls."
Human points out a flock of seagulls...
Malamute: "Seagulls? Snacks! Food! Gotta chase them!" (pulls human over)
Siberian: "I'm bored of seagulls. Look at all those crabs."
howling in laughter!
Hi Simcha! I saw your comment on Khyra's blog and thought I'd come by and say "hey"! Welcome to the blogosphere!
Play bows,
Ha roooo!
I've got a MalGalPal and a MalMALEguy - this soooo made me put on my Siberian smile!!
Thanks fur visiting my blog!!!
Woo HAVE been added to my list -
Hi Simcha - Mom's still howling at that post. I don't know quite how to take that! Great blog and we've added you to our favorites.
Ha wooooo! I'm red and I do rule!
As a Malamute, I resemble those remarks!
Except I do get bored with people easily if they don't KEEP giving me attention. Then I just walk away and go back to my mattress.
My stupid Siberian brother Samuel is the velcro dog when it comes to mom. He is constantly following her around looking for attention.
Please feel free to stop over at my blog. I life with 2 Siberians and 2 Samoyeds. I will add you to my friends list!
Good one!
Hmmm...Canyon must be part malamute...
Woo woo, Kelsey Ann
I was so excited to see so many comments on my Red Sibes Rule blog. You guys are the bestest.
My HuMom takes me to the beach often. Living in Virginia, we don't get much snow. She tells me that the sand is Virginia snow. I think she's pulling my tail.
I make my HuMom mad when I ignore people at the beach. Everyone wants to give me some HuMan love: but who has time for Humans when there's seagulls and crabs.
It seems the Siberian are only interested in chasing seagulls and the Malamute is looking around to see what happens.
Thanks mate... just dropped by. Will look for BIKE STN when we get to Seattle. Still in Buenos Airies.
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