As you can see above, HuMom received the electric bill for the past months usage. She nearly had a heart attack when she saw what she owed. The bill before was $90. This one is $255!
We live in the southeast, and turning off the AC during the day is not an option with two northern breed dogs. Kiley and I would roast if she did. As it is, she keeps the AC set at 74. That seems to be the highest temperature we can tolerate without us panting. Of course, this time of year, we're inside dogs. It doesn't cool down at night.
HuMom is threatening to shave us and put us in the freezer during the day so she can shut off the air.
As it is, our park visiting is severely limited due to the high price of gas. We just don't know how much more us dogs are expected to endure.
HuMom would like to know how the energy prices are effecting you.
Wooooo, your HuMom can make up the money in the winter when she won't need the heater on. At night, you can just pile on and keep her warm.
D'Azul, Where Siberians Rule
Our Mom has turned the AC up to 78 degrees and we are living in our basement where it's nice and cool and she even sleeps downstairs. She said it's either gas for the car or AC.
Thor and Marco Polo
Our last heating bill was $300. Dad nearly fell over when he opened the envelope. But we have to keep warm in the winter!
Huffle Mawson, Honorary Husky and Explorer Cat
We are in a condo so we have been lucky. But mom and dad keep it at 73, and they keep two fans running on hot days. On days when I don't go to day care and I stay home, they leave a fan on pointing at my cage and leave me a bowl of icewater and a frozen peanut butter Kong. I guess I can deal with staying inside if I have daycare, fans and frozen Kongs. Sigh. At least my day care is nearby so mom can't say the gas costs too much to take me there!
Happening here too. Our humans keep our house cold like the arctic, mostly for us. After all, OUR comfort is the most important thing. And yes, you can make it up in the winter. That's what we do here. We use electric space heaters to help keep the humans warm to cut down the gas bill since electricity in the winter is cheaper.
Hot weather is stupid. Winter is pawsome!
Yeah, we're in the "making it up in the winter" club. Our comfort is first and foremost. Ha roo roo roo!
Play bows,
Perhaps you should move to Seattle with us. Our house doesn't have an air conditioning.
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