The Hu-Mom has been procrastinating the big job of sorting out the winter clothes and hiking them up to the attic. Being it's been 90 degrees here in Virginia for the past month and a half, she finally decided to tackle this unpleasant job. Oh and look, I get to wear the scarf. Not a nice thing to do to a Sibe on such a warm humid day.
Watchin & Workin' Wednesday
9 hours ago
Furry nice kholours in that skharf of yours!
We just have to shake our heads at our humans -
The furst weekend of summer SOOOO seemed like a great time to put away the winter wardrobe?
Good thing we take khare of our stuff!
Woo. My grandmom knitted my mom a cool blue scarf; it matches my eyes and I think I should have it! Not in summer, though. Woo.
WOO WOO Simcha
You look very very cute but My goshness - it's summer - I think you might have to chew it into little pieces so your Mom can't put it on your head again.
Thor and Marco Polo
We love chewing up clothing
Well, if it makes you feel better, you look very fashionable in the scarf.
PS. Mom put a headband on Steve this weekend and he looked just about as happy as you.
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