I spent the day watching my Malpal Tank the malamute via his Tank cam.
His Hu_Daddy, Ryland, set up the cam so all of Tank's friends could log in and check on him. Tank suffers from something called "seperation anxiety" and he chews. Although it's better now, Tank will sometimes destroy his HuDaddy's stuff. If you look at the picture, you will notice a pen around his Hu-Daddy easy chair. That's so Tank won't eat the new ones he just replaced. Woo!
My sister Kiley, also has the "seperation anxiety". She used to chew up the house and the crate before I came along. HuMom thinks it's because she was also a rescue dog and is afraid this family will give her away too. But I am also a rescue dog and don't have these issues. Must be a Malamute thing.
You are bewootiful Simcha! Hey, you should go to www.nbrescue.com and click on the red husky to visit the Cafe Press shop. There is a section called "Red Huskies Rule!" that my mom designed some graphics for!
That's terrible that your friend lost an eye due to a cat stratch!!! My mom was very, very upset that the vet didn't realize how very close that cat came to scratching my eyeball. She is definetely going to write a letter letting them know how badly they handled it and why she won't go back or recommend them to anyone else.
Thanks for visiting my blog, I will be back!
We will be sure to visit Tank's cam. When I was a little tyke one of my nicknames was Tank. He really ate his Dad's chair? Woo!
Yes, those Mals are SOOOO difFURent - especially the MALGAL's -
I've got a Sibe BF (Steve) and a Mal BF (Summi The SUPER Mal) - I'm an ekhwal opp hussy -
Indy and Ekhho are my pals too!
Glad woo found US!
Neither one of us have separation anxiety, unless it's separation from each other! And then, we're not really anxious, just jealous that we might be missing out on something. I hate being left behind!
Poor Tank! Samuel use to suffer from separation anxiety. My mom read the book "The Dog Who Loved Too Much", and she really learned a lot about how to deal with separation anxiety. Maybe your mom could check it out and see if it helps her!
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