Are you sure this is for me? What kind of toy could it be?
It couldn't possibly be for me. It looks like clothing and Mom never dresses me in human clothing!
Well the hat fits!
But the cape makes my furry butt look BIG!
HuMom says this is what I will wear this Friday at the 4th of July parade!! WooHoo I love the parade. I get popsicles and watermelon and get fussed over by the neighborhood kids. Maybe this year, I will catch the eye of the newspaper reporter and get my picture in the paper!
I'll keep you posted.
Woo Y'All
Oh Simka
Woo are SOOOOOOO on your way to HULA membership!
PeeEssWoo: You do look khute!
I am so sorry woo had to endure that!
Woo woo, KA
Oh Simka, it's too bad you have to dress up, but sounds like fun to be in the parade!! Be sure your human gets plenty of pics!!!
Your Mal sister looks a lot like me!
Have you ripped that up yet? Just asking.
Tail wags,
PS: Dave said to let you know he thinks watermelon is one of the BEST things on earth!
Ha ha you look so funny in your costume! The photographer for the paper should definitely make you famous!
Huffle Mawson, Honorary Husky and Explorer Cat
Loved the costume! And thanks for bringing me up to speed on Groomer has it..I've seen a few episodes and was also rooting for Artist...
In that costume, if you don't get in the newspaper then something is definitely wrong! You have to be the best looking pup at the parade!
WOO WOO Simcha
Parade - How lucky you are and you look so dignified in your special clothing,
Thor and Marco Polo
Ooo that is so cute! I want one! I like outfits... well, kinda, i can't admit it, though. You look so good!
Ha-roo Simcha,
Hope you get a really good treat for wearing that silly outfit. (Humans are so easily amused.)
Star & Jack
PS-Our humom said to tell your humom that yes, the Magic Brush really was worth it - she has been able to brush the persnikity Ms. Star without getting clawed, nipped, or snarled at. She ordered the "regular' model, not the expensive anti-static one.
Simmie Simmie Simmie, that outfit is just.. whats the word I want to use... precious, thats it, precious! WOL (WOO Out Loud) Glad to hear you didnt melt away in the heat. Say Hi to that little Malahottie Kiley.
Fear the Woo!
The Tank
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